Brock, William, Gustav Engstrom, and Anastasios Xepapadeas. "Spatial climate-economic models in the design of optimal climate policies across locations." European Economic Review 69 (2014): 78-103.

Brock, William, Gustav Engstrom, and Anastasios Xepapadeas. "Spatial climate-economic models in the design of optimal climate policies across locations." European Economic Review 69 (2014): 78-103.


Brock, William, Gustav Engstrom, and Anastasios Xepapadeas. "Spatial climate-economic models in the design of optimal climate policies across locations." European Economic Review 69 (2014): 78-103.

Earlier version also available as a working paper: Brock W, Engstrom G, Xepapadeas A, Spatial Climate-Economic Models in the Design of Optimal Climate Policies across Locations,(October 10, 2012). RDCEP Working Paper No. 12-11.

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